324 research outputs found

    Da sarabanda à dialética: um breve percurso das ideias estéticas de Antonio Candido

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    Este artigo discute a complexa e dialética relação entre forma literária e processo social a partir de três estudos de Antonio Candido sobre o romance Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias (1853), de Manuel Antônio de Almeida. Considerada a descrição terminológica do crítico, bem como a sua notável aversão a quaisquer afiliações ortodoxas que tendem à simplificação e à imobilização do pensamento livre, procuramos incidir luz aos textos a fim de evidenciar continuidades, descontinuidades e, principalmente, afinidades teórico-metodológicas com as mais diversas tendências da crítica literária como, por exemplo: o marxismo, a sociologia, o estruturalismo, etc. Para além de uma circunstancial tentativa de seriação e evolução das ideias de Candido, a partir dos textos selecionados, almeja-se pari passu destacar a refinada visada de trabalho intelectual do autor em que se destaca um aguçado senso das afinidades eletivas existentes entre a literatura e a sociedade brasileiras.This article discusses the complex and dialectical relationship between literary form and social process based on three studies by Antonio Candido on the novel Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias (1853), by Manuel Antônio de Almeida. Considering the terminological description of the critic, as well as his remarkable aversion to any orthodox affiliations that tend to simplify and immobilize free thought, we seek to shed light on the texts in order to highlight continuities, discontinuities and, mainly, theoretical-methodological affinities with the most various trends in literary criticism such as, for example: Marxism, sociology, structuralism, etc. In addition to a circumstantial attempt at seriation and evolution of Candido’s ideas, from the selected texts, it is intended to focus pari passu the refined aim of the author’s intellectual work, which highlights a keen sense of the elective affinities between Literature and the Brazilian Society

    Structural, mechanical, and decorative properties of sputtered TiN and Ti (N, C) films for orthodontic applications; an in vitro study

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    In this paper, we explore and modify the structural, mechanical, and decorative properties of films composed by TiN and Ti (N, C) with a wide range of N2 gas flow during the deposition in order to be used on orthodontic systems. The films were grown using reactive DC magnetron sputtering from a pure Ti target and customized with C pellets onto Si and stainless steel 316L substrates. The structural properties were studied using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, while the mechanical ones were obtained through hardness, elastic modulus, and friction coefficient. Moreover, the wear rate has been measured under an artificial saliva medium to simulate the oral cavity. The color of the films deposited onto stainless steel 316 L substrate was characterized through CIELab color code. Our findings show that the addition of N2 and C in the Ti matrix improves the mechanical properties of the films. With the increase in the amount of N2 and C, the hardness reaches a value of 739 HV, higher than the one reported in the literature (600 HV), a low value of the coefficient of elasticity (8.0 GPa), and also a low friction coefficient (0.30). Moreover, with the addition of N2 and C in the Ti films, the color of the films changes from metallic aspect until “with” gold, which means that our coatings exhibit versatile mechanical and color characteristics to be used in orthodontic wires applications.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(PIBA-2018-06

    Gender equality in the information systems and tecnhonology fields: a comprehensive diagnosis at the school of engineering of the University of Minho

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    Gender equality in academia and science has been a central theme in several scientific studies around the world. Over the last few years, there has been an extensive literature production on the explicit and implicit processes that drive gender inequalities and make them persist over time. In contexts of increasing mobility, globalization and cultural change, it is urgent that science and education policies, defined in the context of Universities and their human resources (including teaching, non-teaching staff as well as students), recognize the existence of gender inequalities and promote effective measures for its eradication, in a collective and participatory approach. Despite the production of literature attesting the existence of gender inequalities in academia, which documents processes of segregation and discrimination that affect the various participants of the organization as well as a set of methodological proposals to overcome them, it has not proved sufficient to change the reality of practices in teaching and research institutions Since gender inequality is a transversal problem and holds implications for the University as a whole, and individually for the people that compose it, this study documents the initial measures implemented at Engineering School, as part of Project EQUAL_IST- Gender Equality Plan for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions, which is being carried out by teams in several European countries, and aims, mainly, to study and intervene in the advancement of gender equality in the area of Technology and Information systems.This work was partly funded by FCT –Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: "Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of2C2T –Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil,; “Project UID/CEC/00319/2019” and COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007560; project UID/CCI/00736/2013

    Engineering programs for engineers: a global higher education perspective

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    New demands for engineering education are taking place due to the deep transformations that the world is facing. The way to overcome the constant mutation and challenges that engineers have to face professional programs are dimensioned in accordance with the knowledge and practice that are necessary for the group of professional engineers. These are the customized courses. Students make the requirements and the program is designed to fit their needs. Briefly, classes are in classroom with technical visits to different organizations and the content is available on line. The amount of work comprises the amount of hours that are necessary to accomplish the program focusing in the main goal, which is to have a certified course of specialists in a certain field of expertise. The proposed program is an investment that guarantees return by the strategic vision for a successful performance, the higher management capacity and growth of intellectual capital

    “Innovative office”: building future for young engineers

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    This paper shows the course designed by COPEC – Science and Education Research Council education research team, for engineering students what is called “working with communities course”, which provides the students of engineering in 3rd year the chance to work with consultancy for the entrepreneurial community, in the region. It is for an engineering school of a private university and the goal is provide the needed resources to enable interdisciplinary efforts to prepare engineering students to tackle real-world challenges in engineering, entrepreneurship and new business ventures as professionals. The process is designed in order to offer a space that has been named after “innovative office”, where local entrepreneurs go with a problem or project to discuss and to find sustainable solutions under the consultancy of young engineers. So far the program has been working well and is opening doors for young engineers.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Rethinking engineering education

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    The Professional of today needs to acquire a dynamic ability to absorb information, adjust to organizational goals, and navigate in a complex work environment. For this reason, a classic approach seems to be more useful for the demands of today's job market. It is at least interesting to notice, that the classic approach is being neglected, at a time when its product might be more interesting than ever. The Engineering Education Team of COPEC – Science and Education Research Council has designed a program that is knowledge centered and specially challenging, which integrates classical engineering approaches and real experience in order to achieve a high level of engineers ready to perform as professionals or researchers. It aims to form the Engineer – a professional that is capable to learn for life and be creative in many ways.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme – COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and project UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diferentes olhares sobre o esporte para pessoas com deficiência: desafios, inovações e realidade

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    Research on people with disabilities can create, per times, strangeness and discomfort. However, it is necessary to encourage and bring to the fore debates about how the lives of people with disabilities in society are thought. In this sense, this special issue brings to our readers original articles on relevant topics in health sciences and sports for people with disabilities. Within this large area, the reader can go through themes such as: public policies for people with disabilities; social and sports programs for people with disabilities; physical activity and health for people with disabilities; high performance sports for people with disabilities; technological innovations in favour of new teaching-learning processes for people with disabilities; universities and their role in training human resources to work with people with disabilities; disabilities, women and sports; the media's view on the disability and the para-athlete; and the social legacy of the sport for people with disabilities. In this section we also bring a presentation of the Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Society (BRAJETS) and its main evaluation processes for the publication of scientific articles. We invite all our readers to check out this special issue which was prepared and written by researchers and professors with expertise in sport to people with disabilities studies. We wish you an enjoyable reading!A pesquisa sobre as pessoas com deficiência paira sobre um ar de estranheza e desconforto. Todavia se faz mister incentivar e trazer à tona debates sobre como são pensadas as principais medidas que influenciam a vida das pessoas com deficiência na sociedade. Neste sentido, esta edição especial traz aos nossos leitores artigos originais sobre temas pertinentes na área das ciências da saúde e do esporte para pessoas com deficiência. Dentro desta grande área o leitor pode percorrer por temas como políticas públicas para pessoas com deficiência, programas sociais e esportivos para pessoas com deficiência, atividade física e saúde para pessoas com deficiência, esporte de alto rendimento para pessoas com deficiência, inovações tecnológicas a favor da deficiência, novos processos de ensino-aprendizagem para pessoas com deficiência, as universidades e seu papel na formação de recursos humanos para atuar com pessoas com deficiência, deficiência, mulher e esporte, o olhar da mídia sobre a deficiência e o atleta com deficiência e o legado social do esporte para pessoas com deficiência. Ainda nesta seção trazemos uma apresentação da Revista Brasileira intitulada Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Society (BRAJETS) e seus principais processos de avaliação para a publicação de artigos científicos. Convidamos a todos nossos leitores para conferir esta edição especial que foi preparado e escrito por pesquisadores e professores especialistas na área dos estudos do esporte para pessoas com deficiência. Desejamos uma boa leitura a todos

    Engineering the engineering program: the year of discovery

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    ISBN 978-1-5090-1790-4Retention is an issue that has been faced by many engineering colleges due to the difficulties and lack of knowledge about what it really is to be an engineer. The first 3 years of the course are particularly intense and hard. A way to overcome this period might be achieved by implementing a new kind of course, more enticing and dynamic. That is the idea of COPEC’s engineering education research team, to embed a program with a more interesting activity for students in the first year. It is what has been named after “The Year of Discovery”, a short-term workshop in order to show students the possibilities of performing as engineers in a global environment – a project developed for a private university, in order to decrease the retention rate in their engineering programs.Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00704

    Science, engineering, and technology innovation for global human challenges

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    Apresentado em "ASEE’s 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition - New Orleans, LA - June 26 - 9, 2016"This paper describes the engineering program designed by COPEC – Science and Education Research Council’s education research team, in which the so called ‘Working with Communities’ course is included. It provides 3rd year engineering students the chance to work as consultants to foster an entrepreneurial community in the city. The idea is to create an Innovative Office, to which local entrepreneurs can resort to in order to discuss and find sustainable solutions for a specific problem or a project. So far, the project has worked relatively well. Student groups are working hard and the results have been positive.This work has been financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007136 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/201

    A program designed to empower engineering educators

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    Utilizing emerging technologies to provide expanded learning opportunities is critical to the success of future generations. So teachers have to be prepared to motivate and entice the students about getting knowledge pertinent for their formation as engineers. This paper describes the "International Engineering Educator" developed by the engineering education research team of COPEC – Science and Education Research Council. It is offered by the International Institute of Education of COPEC, which is a certification organization in accordance with the Ministry of Education of the Country referring to the National Law of Higher Education. It also offers a professional register as "International Engineering Educator" of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy for those who are interested in such certification as something else. The target attendees for this program are the engineering community of CPLP – Community of Portuguese Language Countries. It is successful and many interested professionals are attending the program